How To Set Up Lindy Rig

Oct xix, 2022
Anglers have been tweaking their riggings e'er since the first rough hooks and lines were crafted. Enterprising walleye fans carry on this tradition today, refining and reinventing fourth dimension-tested tactics such every bit spinner-rigging with improvisations — and even spicing up more straightforward disciplines similar livebait rigging and jigging.
Control Tweaks
Longtime guide and tournament ace Marker Martin alters his spinner rigs virtually every time he hits the h2o. "You only don't throw out a bottom bouncer and spinner rig and become," he says. "You need to fine-tune speed, weight, and components to fit the conditions at hand."
When trolling around hazards such equally rocks, brush, or rig-fouling sandgrass in shallow water, for instance, he often favors a brusk pb between the bouncer and spinner, to go along the rig from falling into damage's style. "In snaggy situations, 18- to 36-inch leaders piece of work well," he says. "Simply you lot have to remainder that with a speed that keeps the spinner from descending into the snags, while still triggering walleyes."
Martin reports that i.iv mph is his favorite speed in over four decades of professional fishing. "Only you lot can speed upwardly to 1.8 mph on the fast side or drop it down under ane mph," he says.
When slow speeds are the rule, he advises running blades that spin at the slowest possible pace, or adding a footling buoyancy. "Size 4 or smaller Colorados similar the Berkley Flicker Blade work well," he says. "Replacing a couple of your beads with a 3/iv- or eleven„4-inch Northland Tackle Cork Float also adds lift with standard blades. Or switch to smile blades and winged drift-bobbers like the Spin-Due north-Glo, which both excel at tedious speeds."
Martin says that a spinner bract need non rotate continuously to temp hungry 'eyes. "Sometimes having the bract just wobble along at a steady speed and then brand a complete revolution when you lift the rig is the all-time trigger." Sensitive mainlines help decide what your blade is doing. He prefers 10-pound-examination Berkley FireLine. "Tied direct to my Northland "R"-curve Rock-Runner bouncer, it telegraphs whether the blade is spinning, rocking, or fouled, as well as when the sinker ticks a rock or drags in the grass," he says.
For the leader, Martin likes xiv- to 17-pound fluorocarbon. "You can get a spinner to work at slower speeds on fluoro than mono, especially with a metallic clevis rather than plastic, because plastic has more than drag," he says.
Sinker weight varies, largely according to depth, merely he errs on the heavy side. "I run as heavy a bottom bouncer as possible," he says. Ample ballast makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to keep the line at a 45-degree angle to the water, or less, which helps him trace tight corners and identify baits precisely.
When trolling in 10 feet with express water clarity, for instance, he opts for a ii-ounce bouncer. "I want a directly connection and ultimate control, just like a miniature downrigger," he says. "People think ultra-calorie-free bouncers are stealthy and sneaky, but I think they cost you fish because you can't work irregular contours, and the fish you marking on sonar are gone by the time the rig gets there. Another benefit of a heavy bouncer is that on hard bottoms you can 'knock on the door' to allow walleyes know the bait is coming."
Some other tweak: Martin uses artificial baits in many situations. "Softbaits like Berkley's Gulp! Crawler and Fry are nifty when undesirable fish like sheepshead, perch, and sunfish selection existent 'crawlers off your hooks before the walleyes tin get to them," he says.
There's an added benefit to softbaits, especially on big-h2o systems like Erie, he reports. "When you lot become a pack of small-scale white perch or other baitfish chasing your spinner, pecking at the artificial crawler because it smells and tastes good, you end upwardly leading a parade that attracts passing walleyes. On more than than ane occasion, I've caught a walleye on one hook and a small perch on the other. I didn't realize the perch was in that location, but yous can bet the walleye did."
Martin also offers this tip for livebait. "When yous're pulling live 'crawlers, snip off the end of the bait half an inch behind the 2nd claw," he says. "Trimmed baits put more olfactory property in the water and catch more fish than pristine crawlers. In fact, beat-up 'crawlers that take been pecked by perch and already caught a walleye or 2 are some of the all-time baits y'all tin put in the water."
Muche's Magic
Jason Muche alters rigs while guiding and tournament angling both on his domicile waters of Wisconsin's storied Lake Winnebago chain and on big-water destinations like Lake Michigan's Green Bay. One of his favorite adjustments, which excels on post-common cold-front end walleyes across the Walleye Belt, entails pulling a modified three-way rig to kick up lesser sediments before putting a nightcrawler in front end of the fish's olfactory organ.
"It works someday walleyes are on the mud and nobody'south catching anything during a tough bite, summertime into autumn," he says. Components include x-pound-test monofilament mainline, 3-mode swivel, 18- to 24-inch dropper of half-dozen- to 10-pound mono or fluorocarbon, and 1-ounce Lindy Rattlin' No-Snagg Slip Sinker.
"On the trailing eye of the 3-way, I run either a ten-pes-long 8-pound fluoro leader with a red dewdrop from a Thill Slip Bobber package and pocket-sized Aberdeen hook or #12 treble, or a 6-foot piece of fluorocarbon tied direct to a 36-inch Old Guide's Secret ii-Hook Migrate Rig, with a #4 hammered contumely Indiana blade," he says.
"A long lead gets the spinner or modified Lindy Rig abroad from the sinker, which is key with tough-seize with teeth fish," he says. "But yous don't want a completely silent presentation, either. It's also important to have a rattling sinker clanking and puffing along to concenter fish.
"Put the rod in a holder and let the sinker puff along in the mud — not dredging, merely ticking. If the sinker drags, information technology reduces the bending of the dropper and the bait gets likewise close to bottom. Go on the bait just above their eyeballs."
When bites are light, peculiarly in articulate h2o, Muche replaces the three-manner swivel with 2 barrel swivels. "Thread one of the swivels onto your mainline and tie the other 1 the end of the line," he says. "Tie the dropper to the costless-sliding swivel and either the lengthened Lindy Rig or spinner harness to the fixed swivel. That mode, when a fish hits, it can swim off with the allurement and non feel resistance from the sinker.
"I've used this setup from Green Bay to Mille Lacs and Leech lakes, running a bowmount with the rod in my mitt, pumping the sinker. As before long as you experience a fish, let it run with the bait — first at 15 seconds and adjust the count depending on how well the fish are hooked, or if yous're missing them altogether."
Hybrid Rigging
When walleyes are transitioning between feeding habits and neglect to evidence a preference for livebait rigging, spinners, or crankbaits — or when the fish are besieged by legions of anglers towing a particular presentation — veteran Guide Jon Thelen plays the hybrid carte.
"Hybrid rigging blends the best of all worlds," he says, adding that his weapon of selection the last two seasons has been Lindy's Lil' Guy — a hard-bodied hybrid that brings a alloy of all three tactics to the table.
"The rig is basically a ii-hook crawler harness with a small, hard trunk in front of information technology," he says. "The body produces side-to-side movements, while the 'crawler adds to the action, forth with scent and meat. And it runs at speeds from .3 to 2.5 mph, so you tin can fish it from a crawl to a burn."
He says one of his commencement encounters with hybrid rigging occurred on the deep gravel and mud of Mille Lacs Lake. "Anybody else was pulling spinners," he recalls. "But when everybody on the reef or bar is spinning blades, a rig that comes along at a dissimilar speed, with different wink and vibration, tin can go the attention of walleyes."
Lindy originally offered the Lil' Guy in just ane size, but the company added a downsized version for 2022. "The smaller size is perfect for year-round use, and further expands hybrid rigging options," Thelen says.
His rig trickery doesn't end there. "I often accommodate Lindy Rigs to fit atmospheric condition," he says. "When the fish are off bottom, for example, I add a Lindy Snell Bladder to an original rig, or switch to a Lindy Floating Rig to get the bait upwards higher up their heads. All I have to exercise is touch lesser with the walking sinker, reel it up to the level I'm mark walleyes on sonar, and permit the float raise the bait merely above the fish."
He also takes a more aggressive arroyo to rigging than many anglers. "I cruise along, watching my Humminbird Helix for fish just off bottom, then slow downward and park over them, letting the bait do its affair," he says.
Tricky Jigging
Getting catchy to catch more walleyes extends beyond rigging. Scott Glorvigen tweaks his jigging portfolio to turn lookers into strikers wherever leadhead jigs are a gene.
"I've been experimenting with Northland Tackle's Hinge-Head Jig, which has an articulated swing-caput," he says. The Swivel-Head uses a swivel to couple a football-shaped jighead with ane of Northland'south frantic-action Crawler Hauler Hooks. "The gratuitous-swinging hook provides the unfettered allurement action of a slipsinker rig, with the control of a jig.
"For slowly itch the jig over rocks or gravel, I prefer lip-hooking a minnow, which maximizes natural movements," he says. "Information technology's similar to tail-hooking a minnow on a livebait rig, but with more than control."
For working across bottom a bit faster, as well every bit vertical jigging in electric current, he runs the hook in the mouth and out the pinnacle of the caput. You can work it similar to a standard jig, with the add-on of twitches and shakes while the caput is resting on bottom. Current imparts additional action on the break.
A tertiary choice is hooking in the oral fissure, out the lesser of the gill, and back through the side of the minnow. "This shortens the presentation, puts the hook farther back, and works well for pond and lift-fall applications," he says. "When you pitch out and swim it along, you can see the minnow moving upwardly and downwardly on the jig, complementing rod tip movements as it swings on the hinge."
He also rigs nightcrawlers on the Swivel-Head. The hook has a keeper that helps hold the allurement. He's fished a total 'crawler and never had it slide downwardly the hook, even when perch and bluegills were pecking the daylights out of it.
He uses artificial softbaits, too, and says the Swivel-Head works with a variety of shapes. "You lot get more bait action than with a fixed-hook jig, whether you lot're skittering it over deep gravel or pitching shallow rocks, weeds, or wood," he says.
Split Decision
Guide and In-Fisherman confidante Tom Neustrom is no stranger to creative rigging, either. One of his favorite tricks when walleyes play hard-to-catch is an erstwhile-school adaptation he calls stealth split-shotting. "It's the perfect solution when walleyes won't bite, frequently afterward they movement off the top of structure after a front passes," he says. "There tin't exist much air current, though, considering it'southward definitely a touch-and-experience deal."
His setup includes a soft-tip spinning rod loaded with vi-pound fluorocarbon, with a 3/xvi-ounce split shot pinched 30 inches above a #4 or #6 VMC 9299 Octopus hook. He tips the claw with half a nightcrawler, keeping the rig as vertical as possible.
"I fish correct nether my Humminbird ONIX transducer and watch the fish come up and consume," he says. "Information technology'south a subtle presentation, correct in their face, and consistently produces tough-seize with teeth walleyes that won't hit anything else."
When the soft rod begins to load, he drops the tip and sets the hook into another marble-eyed beauty, proving once more the power of adaptation for conquering whatever Mother Nature, fellow anglers, and the 'eyes throw your way. –
How To Set Up Lindy Rig,
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