
How To Set Calorie Deficit On Myfitnesspal

Counting calories has been shown to be an extremely successful method of losing weight, information technology's something that I have used with hundreds of my Online Personal Grooming clients. In order get results with it, y'all need to exist able to use a calorie counting app, such equally My Fitness Pal. In this article I prove you how to apply My Fettle Pal properly, and so that you tin lose weight finer.

What is calorie counting?

Everybody requires a certain number of calories per day. The amount we need will vary from person to person, based on a variety of factors including weight, lean mass, age, how active you are and how much practice you get. (I show yous how to piece of work out exactly how much yous should be eating later in the article).

If you eat the number of calories your body requires each mean solar day, you volition maintain your body weight.

In order to lose body fatty, you must be in what's called a calorie arrears. This means y'all consume slightly less calories per day than your body requires. If you lot accept always followed a nutrition successfully, you lot will have been in a calorie deficit.

Counting calories is one method you can use to ensure you stay in a calorie arrears. Put very simply, you add upwards the total number of calories that yous eat each day, to stay within a given target range. 

One of the reasons many people fail with diets, is because they cut out all of the food they relish eating. It'due south common to cutting out chocolate, wine and pizza right? When you then re-introduce these foods, you end upward putting all of the weight back on.

This happens considering you don't have command.

With the calorie counting method, you can always stay in command. If you tape and log your food each 24-hour interval, then yous tin include foods such as chocolate, wine and pizza and nevertheless lose weight.

Who is calorie counting for?

  • People who have a very basic cognition of nutrient.
  • People who are tech savvy and are able to employ apps well.

Who is calorie counting not for?

  • People who really struggle with food.
  • People who are neurotic.
  • People who hate or can't piece of work technology.

If you decide that it is for you, then you lot can begin.

Setting up a My Fitness Pal profile

To begin with, you'll need to set up a My Fitness Pal profile. Here's how yous exercise it.

  1. Download the app or log onto
  2. Press "sign up now".
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions and set up your account up.

Logging Food

Once you lot're all ready, it'south time to outset logging your nutrient. There are 3 principal means that yous can log food on My Fitness Pal:

Scan your food

With this method, you can use the apps in congenital barcode scanner, to scan the barcode of the food you are eating.

It works well if you are eating foods such every bit premade salads or sandwiches, as ane quick scan of the barcode and all the date will be inputted into My Fitness pal for you. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the app and press the blue "add" button at the bottom, center of the screen.
  2. Press the orange "food" push.
  3. Select the repast you lot wish to log (breakfast, tiffin, dinner or snack).
  4. Press the "barcode" symbol, in the top right manus side of the screen.
  5. Scan the barcode of the food that yous desire to log.
  6. Suit the portion size of necessary.

Search and add together

This method works well if you are eating foods that don't have a barcode, such as fruit and vegetables. Hither's how y'all exercise information technology:

  1. Open the app and press the blue "add" button at the bottom, centre of the screen.
  2. Press the orange "food" push.
  3. Select the meal you lot wish to log (breakfast, dejeuner, dinner or snack).
  4. Printing on the "search for food" tab and write downward the name of the nutrient you lot desire to log.
  5. This is where it tin get a niggling tricky, don't simply blitz and pick the meridian entry, you may need to scroll and find the detail that fits most accurately.
  6. Select what you lot desire to log, then change the quantity.
  7. Press enter.

After using My Fitness Pal for a while, you volition build up a list of recently added food. If you eat an apple each day, then you'll just need to log the apple from the "recent foods" list, rather than get through the previous steps.

Quick add together

This method is handy if y'all are following a recipe that displays the calories, every bit you can simply enter the intake without having to add each individual ingredient.

It also works well if you lot are at a restaurant that displays the calories of it'southward food on the carte, as yous tin quickly enter the total without having to practice a search.

  1. Open up the app and press the blueish "add" button at the bottom, centre of the screen.
  2. Printing the orange "nutrient" button.
  3. Select the meal you wish to log (breakfast, luncheon, dinner or snack).
  4. Scroll to the very lesser of the page and select 'quick add".
  5. You tin can now enter the number of calories you are eating. If you have a premium account you can besides enter the corporeality of poly peptide, fat and carbs for this meal.


If you eat the same recipes on a regular footing, so information technology'southward best to add together all the ingredients in one case and store it as a recipe in your business relationship, then when y'all need to log it it's quick and easy as you've already saved information technology. Here'south how you practise it:

Add the recipe

  1. Open the app and press the bluish "add" button at the lesser, center of the screen.
  2. Press the orangish "nutrient" push.
  3. Select the meal you wish to log (breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack).
  4. Select "recipe" in the peak correct manus side.
  5. Press "create a recipe".
  6. You now have ii options, either "Add from the web", where you can import a URL of the recipe y'all are cooking.
  7. Or my preferred method is to press "Enter ingredients Manually".
  8. You then add a recipe title and the number or servings the recipe has.
  9. Press the arrow in the top correct hand side of the screen, then select add ingredient.
  10. Search for the food on the database, then conform the amount y'all are using in grams, then add together it.
  11. Repeat this process for all of the ingredients in your recipe and and then press the arrow in the top right mitt side of the app, followed by "Salve".
  12. Your recipe is now logged in your data base every time y'all need to apply it.

Log a previously saved recipe

  1. Open up the app and press the blue "add together" button at the lesser, heart of the screen.
  2. Press the orangish "food" push button.
  3. Select the meal you wish to log (breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack).
  4. Select "recipe" in the acme correct hand side.
  5. Your logged recipes are now in that location to select, simply ringlet downwards and select the one you want to add.
  6. And so adapt the servings if necessary (the default serving size is "one" and then if yous're only having 1 serving leave it as it is.
  7. Press the white tick in the top correct hand side of the app and you're all done.

Issues with using My Fitness Pal


My Fettle Pal works a footling fleck like Wikipedia, in that anyone can input data into the database.

Unfortunately, this sometimes ways that people practice not accurately log foods, and so if y'all select something that Sandra from Accounts hasn't inputted properly, and then information technology'll mean you aren't logging accurately yourself.

Yous can go around this by doing a quick bit of inquiry yourself by looking at labels of the foods yous are eating, or by performing a quick Google search "how many calories are in a banana" for instance, then logging it into My Fitness Pal.

You're never going to accept 100% accuracy with this, but if yous're being more mindful and making a concerted effort to accept control of your food intake, then even if you're xc% authentic you'll brand progress.

Logging calories is about being in control. It's better to exist ninety% in control than 0%.

Knowing how much to swallow in the get-go identify

One of the major flaws of My Fitness Pal, is how it works out exactly how much you should eat per day.

I don't believe it is accurate enough and will often massively underestimate how many are needed per day.

This often means you are eating next to nothing, it then doesn't take long before you lot're hungry and struggling to stay on track.

Instead I utilize this simple method to get started. Follow these ii steps and you'll have a crude starting indicate of how many calories you lot should eat.

Step i – Piece of work out your BMR

BMR stands for Base of operations Metabolic Charge per unit and can be defined as the number of calories your body needs to carry out information technology's most basic tasks on a daily basis (breathing, sleeping, lying down etc).

You lot can work yours out here:

Example: A v' v" female who weighs 60kg (132lbs) and is 34 years old would have a BMR of 1374.9 calories per day.

Step 2 – Suit the calories to your own level

The side by side pace needs an honest cess of your lifestyle and how active yous are. Take your BMR and multiply it past 1 of the numbers below, based upon how active you are mean solar day to day.

The number you now have, is called your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

  • If you are sedentary (piddling or no exercise) = BMR x ane.1
  • If you lot are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) = BMR x 1.275
  • If you are moderately agile (moderate exercise/sports 3-five days/week) = BMR ten ane.35
  • If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) = BMR 10 1.525

Example: Someone who walks 8-10k steps per day and exercises three times per calendar week, would use 1.4. Using our 5'5" female in the above case… 1374.9 x 1.4 = 1924.86 calories per day.

You now have the full calories you demand to swallow per solar day to maintain your weight. In order to lose weight, consume v-ten% less than this number, which will put you in a calorie deficit.

Please annotation that this is never going to be 100% accurate. It is a ball park figure for you to begin with, yous tin then alter this as the weeks keep.

After consuming this number for a week or ideally two, you can and so note progress in terms of weight loss and adjust this number if needs exist.

If you lot've dropped 1-2lbs so carry on. If your weight has stayed the same then lower your calorie target by some other v-10%.

It is an ongoing process and you'll need to learn to alter things as your body weight comes downwardly.

Please don't go besides crazy too before long. If you are too aggressive and eat as well footling, you give yourself very little room to change things as the weeks continue. Start as high as possible and become from there.

NB: Working out the number of calories to swallow is something that I exercise for all of my Online Personal Training clients, every bit it takes the stress and the guesswork out of information technology.


By now y'all should accept worked out if logging calories on My Fitness Pal is for you or non. If it is and so follow the simple steps that I've outlined to log your food.

Later on you've used the app for a week or two, information technology should get fairly quick and piece of cake.

It shouldn't take more than five-x minutes per day to log your food, meaning that you can easily stay on rail with your weight loss goals.

Make sure you log everything. One mutual error I run into is people logging their nutrient Monday to Friday, simply not bothering to log the weekends food intake. They so wonder why they are not making progress!

Be honest, log everything and create long lasting habits.

Have you constitute this guide to My Fitness Pal useful? Then make sure you lot sign upwards to our weekly newsletter for more handy hints and tricks, so that y'all can cutting through the BS and get simple, honest advice.

Book your Complimentary Coaching Call

I hope you found this article useful. If y'all would like additional support, book in for a costless xxx minute coaching call using the form below. I tin can aid you with any exercise, nutrition or weight loss issues you are currently facing.


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